In Catharsis-study 1, Marielle drew her inspiration from the the theatre of Antonin Artaud, which aims to exorcise our deepest memories and most skilfully repressed emotions.
In this vein, the show draws parallels between recent natural disasters and human cruelty over the centuries, notably the massacre of Aboriginal people in Australia, inspired by her first encounter with the Australian bush in the Blues Mountains.

"According to indigenous beliefs, each natural element (lakes, mountains, rocks, animals, etc.) retains an imprint left by the spirits who created it. In this ideological continuity, nature would therefore be the greatest witness and the most distant memory of humanity in the face of its own cruelty." M.G

Catharsis - Study 1 in Bilpin international ground for Creative initiatives (BigCi)
Live performance and artist talk interview, February 2023, Blue Mountains.